CEO Salary Report - Building Products
October 30, 2024
At A Glance
Raw Selection recently completed a salary survey focused on the US for the Building Products market for Private Equity backed C-suite Executives. The particular focus of this one was for Chief Executive Officers and we've graded that as up to 50 million in revenue, 50 million to 150 million in revenue and 150 million plus.
Raw Selection recently completed a salary survey focused on the US for the Building Products market for Private Equity backed C-suite Executives. The particular focus of this one was for Chief Executive Officers and we've graded that as up to 50 million in revenue, 50 million to 150 million in revenue, and 150 million plus.
So, beginning with the below 50 million in revenue the lowest salary we found for a Chief Executive Officer was 140,000 US Dollars. The top salary for below 50 million in revenue was 450,000 US Dollars, this individual didn’t receive any additional bonus. The Median salary came to 268,245 US Dollars.
In terms of bonus percentage, 75% received under 50% as a bonus with 15% being the lowest as a bonus percentage. The other 25% had bonuses right up to 110%.
Of all the people surveyed in this category of under 50 million in revenue, 68% had an equity stake in the organization.
Moving onto the 50 to 150 million category, the lowest salary for this range was 225,000 US Dollar and the highest salary was 400,000 US Dollars which gave us a medium range of 324,308 US Dollars across all parties in that space.
In terms of bonus percentage, 62% of the people spoken to received 50% and below as a bonus percentage, the lowest being a 5% bonus. The highest being up to 150%.
80% of people surveyed also received an equity stake in the organisation.
Finally, 150 million plus in revenue, the lowest salary here was found to be 300,000 US Dollar and the highest end for this was 875,000 US Dollars, giving us a medium salary of around 432,524 US Dollars.
Onto the bonus percentage, 19% received a bonus 50% and below, with the lowest tier being a 25% bonus. The highest bonus percentage was 200% in this category.
With regards to equity, 76% did have an equity stake in the organisation.
I hope this has given you an insight either into your compensation and what you're receiving, or equally into what you should be paying for your Building Products services.
Feel free to get in touch with me to discuss this further! You can reach me at
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